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CHF 270.–
Rejoignez Jodie Posen pour une introduction ludique au monde du tissage de passementerie !
La passementerie est l’art des textiles décoratifs, traditionnellement employés comme finitions de luxe, galons et pompons.
Nous explorerons ensemble les techniques de création de passementerie de luxe en expérimentant les tissages de boucles, tresses et cordes, en utilisant différentes couleurs, matières et textures pour créer une gamme de textiles surprenantes et originales.
Les pièces que vous créerez pourront être présentées comme un art en soi ou utilisées pour décorer votre mobilier, ou même embellir votre vêtement préféré.
Vendredi du 17h à 20h et le samedi du 9h à 17h. Pensez à prendre votre picnic svp!
Le matériel est fourni et compris dans le prix.
Atelier pour adolescents et adultes
BA(Hons) Degree in textile Design Weave Specialism Chelsea College of Art, UAL
I am a weaver and textile artist whose work focuses on the reuse and recycling of waste materials to create intriguing and unusual pieces that play with form and colour. I enjoy the interplay between the saturated colours of discarded packaging materials like paper, plastic or foils and the sophisticated ones derived from working with plant-based dyes.
In 2011 I discovered my love of weaving whilst studying for a degree in Textile Design at Chelsea College of Art. Having never worked on a loom before, I quickly discovered the joy of creating cloth; optically mixing colours through different yarn combinations, rising to challenges presented by the loom and toying with the boundaries of what could be achieved within the given constraints.
My position as Textiles Technician at Bradford School of Art helped to cultivate my skills as an educator and enabled me to continue to professionally develop my creative skills, enhancing my technical weaving know-how and gaining skills in printed textiles and repeat design.
In my home studio practice I enjoy taking the time to nurture and evolve my artistic identity through exploratory and inquisitive sampling and experimentation, testing ideas on the loom and gathering inspiration from my surroundings.